Pharmacy Student Ambassadors

The Pharmacy Student Ambassadors are a select group of current Nesbitt School of Pharmacy students who encourage, mentor and create a diverse and inclusive community of future student pharmacists.

Duties and Responsibilities

Pharmacy student ambassadors seek to build meaningful, personalized experiences and relationships with prospective student pharmacists.

Activities Include

  • Lead tours of the Nesbitt School of Pharmacy to prospective students.
  • Attend 正澳门六合彩开奖直播 admissions events such as open houses and Admitted Students Day.
  • Mentor an assigned group of students.
  • Attend high school presentations.
  • Answer questions from students and prospective students.

How to Join

Current P1-P3 pharmacy students in good standing within the Nesbitt School of Pharmacy and 正澳门六合彩开奖直播 may apply becoming a student ambassador by submitting the following:

  • A one to two page essay describing their interest in serving in this role, involvement in activities, and describe any leadership experiences.
  • A curriculum vitae or resume.
  • A reference from a 正澳门六合彩开奖直播 faculty or staff member (e.g. current or past advisor, supervisor or mentor).

Selected finalists will interview with the Nesbitt School of Pharmacy admissions team and current pharmacy student ambassadors.

Meet the Ambassadors

Colton Card

Current Year: P3

Get to Know Colton Card

Hi! My name is Colton and I am a proud 2019 graduate of the Hazleton Area High School. I chose Wilkes because of the small, close knit environment you get with both peers and faculty. Everyone on campus is always ready to help and it makes Wilkes feel like a second home. On campus, I am actively involved with PPA, Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, and SNPhA. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with friends and family and going to various sporting events/concerts, especially Penn State Football! A fun fact about me is that I was on the SCTP National Team for International Bunker Trapshooting in hopes of one day being on the United States Olympic Team.

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

I like the Nesbitt School of Pharmacy because of the close knit community here. I have met some of my closest friends here. Apart from friends, the faculty members are extremely welcoming and want to see everyone succeed.

Why Did You Become a Pharmacy Student Ambassador?

I decided to become a student ambassador to provide a student perspective to those interested in our program. When I was deciding , the ambassadors were super helpful in helping me make the right decision. I hope to provide the same experiences to other students who were stuck like me.

Nate Edwards

Current Year: P3

Get to Know Nate Edwards

Hello everyone, my name is Nate Edwards and I am a P-3 pharmacy student. I am originally from a small town in upstate NY called Morris which is about 2 and a half hours away from here. I came to Wilkes because I fell in love with the feel of the campus. It was in the city and close to everything, but also felt secluded at the same time. I chose pharmacy as my major because it encompassed several of my interests which were my love for helping people along with my love for chemistry. On campus, I am part of Rho Chi, ACCP, APhA, I work at the Archives on campus part time, and I am the treasurer for our pharmacy senate. I have also worked in industry, I have done research with one of our professors, and I recently did an internship at Johns Hopkins.

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

The reason why I like Nesbitt School of Pharmacy is because of the professors. They are always very welcoming and always willing to go the mile for any student!

Why Did You Become a Pharmacy Student Ambassador?

I chose to become a student ambassador because I love to help out and talk to students (both current and prospective)!

Julianne Ernest

Current Year: P2

Get to Know Julianne Ernest

I am a transfer student and second year pharmacy student (P2) from Danville PA! I completed my Bachelors in Biology at Penn State WE ARE! and my Masters in Biomedical Sciences at the Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine. On campus I am involved in APhA and PPAG, I would love to tell you more about them later! Outside of campus, I am a friend, daughter, sister, cat momma and soccer coach! I went back to my first Alma mater to help coach the PSU Hazleton Women's Soccer team. I am a coffee lover, avid movie watcher and a fall time lover.

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

Wilkes NSoP is like what everyone says, a pharmily! As a new student at Wilkes, I was warmly welcomed by both staff and students, who made the transition here one of the best experiences I could ask for.

Why Did You Become a Pharmacy Student Ambassador?

My hope as an ambassador to be the resource and go-to person that I always wanted while I was going to school. I love the opportunity to educate anybody I can on what Wilkes has to offer and the feeling you鈥檒l have once you step on campus.

Lizzy Franco

Current Year: P1

Get to Know Lizzy Franco

I am a P1 student. I am from Northampton, PA, which is about an hour away from Wilkes. Besides being an ambassador, I E-mentor, TA for Bio 122, and am in various pharmacy clubs that the School of Pharmacy has. Also, I am the DEIA chair for my P1 class.

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

I like Wilkes Nesbitt School of Pharmacy because of the close-knit feel that it offers. Here, it is very easy to feel like you are part of a big family. It is also very easy to get very involved around campus and build relationships with fellow students and/or faculty members.

Why Did You Become a Pharmacy Student Ambassador?

I decided to become a student ambassador because during my high school career, no one told me about the Wilkes Nesbitt School of Pharmacy until my senior year. I wanted to be sure that I could help students who are interested in Pharmacy have the opportunity to learn more about what Wilkes has to offer in their School of Pharmacy.

Archi Gandhi

Current Year: P3

Get to Know Archi Gandhi

Hi everyone! I am originally from Scranton,PA, but recently moved to Moosic,PA. I am currently in my P3 year of pharmacy school. I am very involved in various pharmacy clubs and would love to answer any questions you may have. Outside of pharmacy, I am part of Wilkes Honors Program and National Society of Leadership and Success. Wilkes University has given me lots of opportunity to portray my leadership and help me make lifelong friendships. I like to call Wilkes my home away from home.

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

Nesbitt School of Pharmacy is a such small tight community, that all the professors and friends feel like family. As pharmacy school began, it felt like I was seeing my classmates more than my own family, as we all had same class together.

Why Did You Become a Pharmacy Student Ambassador?

Being a mentor and true guider is something I am deeply passionate about. I love being around new people and love to make connections with the prospective students to introduce them to our Pharmily. I have always been fortunate with the mentors I have received at 正澳门六合彩开奖直播 and want to guide the new students in their new journey at Wilkes.

Megan Makovsky

Current Year: P3

Get to Know Megan Makovsky

Hi! I'm Megan and I am a P3 pharmacy student here at Wilkes. I am originally from Fleetwood, PA, a small town located about an hour and a half south of campus. I chose Wilkes because of its extremely reputable pharmacy program and the sense of community I felt when coming to visit campus for the first time. There are so many resources offered for students to succeed within our school that coming to Wilkes was a no-brainer for me. Within the pharmacy school, I am the President of Pharmacy Senate, the Historian for Rho Chi's Honor Society, I sit on the NSoP Strategic Planning Committee, and am a member of PLS, PPA, and ASHP. This year, I am also the Graduate Assistant for the Honors & Scholars Program! Outside of school, I am a pharmacy intern at Penn State St. Joseph's Medical Center in Reading. I'm super excited to showcase what our 鈥減harmily鈥 has to offer to prospective students by being a pharmacy student ambassador!

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

I love our small class sizes, the ability to get to know our professors, the sense of community amongst the students, faculty, and staff, and the many opportunities to get involved in clubs.

Why Did You Become a Pharmacy Student Ambassador?

I wanted to be able to showcase my passion for 正澳门六合彩开奖直播's School of Pharmacy. I truly love our school and enjoy being able to be a support for students looking to be a future colonel!

Sidney McNeil

Current Year: P2

Get to Know Sidney McNeil

Hello everyone! My name is Sidney and I am a P2 student at our pharmacy school. I am local to the area and you will often find me on campus so stop by and say hi! I am involved with a few clubs and societies within the School of Pharmacy including the American Pharmacist Association and the Pharmacy Leadership Society. I decided to join Wilkes because of the incredible accelerated program with a ton of opportunities that was also near to home. When I am not on campus, I work as a grocery store pharmacy intern because I am passionate about the intersection between healthy lifestyle choices and medication management.

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

I love the Nesbitt School of Pharmacy because there are so many people that are passionate about what they do. Join a club, talk to a faculty member, or just look around and you鈥檒l see for yourself.

Why Did You Become a Pharmacy Student Ambassador?

I became a student ambassador because I enjoy being connected with current and incoming students. I also love sharing my story and hearing others!

Nikki Polivka

Current Year: P3

Get to Know Nikki Polivka

I am a P3 student from a small town in PA called Weatherly. My high school graduating class only had about 50 students in it, so Wilkes was appealing to me due to the close-knit community here on campus. Along with being a Pharmacy Ambassador, I am highly involved in the school of pharmacy. I am president of my class, Secretary of Lambda Kappa Sigma, Treasurer for Rho Chi, Fundraising Chair for the American Pharmacists Association, Community Outreach Chair for the American Society of Health System Pharmacists, and I am also a Care Lab coach. There are many ways to get involved through out various clubs, and listing all of the acronyms would make it look kind of like alphabet soup. Outside of pharmacy school I am employed as a pharmacy technician at Rite Aid Pharmacy. This is my third year as an ambassador and I am so happy to be back!

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

I like the Nesbitt School of Pharmacy because I get to not only get to know all of my classmates pretty well, but I also get to form good relationships with my professors. That is one of my favorite parts about being at a University of this size. I am very thankful for everything that Wilkes has given to me so far and I cannot wait to see what the future brings!

Why Did You Become a Pharmacy Student Ambassador?

I decided to become a student ambassador so I could share my love for the program with prospective students and show them why Wilkes is the place to be!

Alexa Ruzicka

Current Year: P3

Get to Know Alexa Ruzicka

I am a P3 student from Coaldale, PA and I am interested in pursing hospital pharmacy upon graduation. I chose Wilkes because it's a smaller, more personal campus with plenty of opportunities for growth. Within the pharmacy program, I am very involved in organizations: I serve as Secretary of ASHP, Historian of Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity, Government Relations Ambassador of PPA, and Historian & Public Health Chair of SNPhA. Outside of school, I work as a pharmacy intern at a Walmart Pharmacy and a technician at St Luke's Carbon. In my free time, I enjoy reading, doing puzzles, and being outdoors. A fun fact about me is that I also work as a whitewater rafting guide in the summer and I am certified to operate a zipline.

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

I like the Wilkes Nesbitt School of Pharmacy because of the close-knit environment and the opportunities for personal and professional growth. The faculty genuinely wants to see you succeed and they provide an incredible environment to thrive in!

Why Did You Become a Pharmacy Student Ambassador?

I became a student ambassador because I wanted an opportunity to highlight the school and all of the student's accomplishments! By serving as the social media student ambassador, I am able to promote the students and all of their hard work!

Abbey Valente

Current Year: P3

Get to Know Abbey Valente

I am a P3 pharmacy student from Hazleton, a small town about 40 minutes away from campus. Graduating from a STEM high school with around only 200 students, I felt as though Wilkes was the perfect place to continue my academic journey. Besides becoming a student ambassador, I am involved in many other pharmacy organizations, such as CPFI, APhA, and ASHP. I am SO excited to be given this opportunity and hope to help future pharmacy students make their decisions to become colonels!

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

I like Wilkes Nesbitt School of Pharmacy because of the small class size. It is so easy to make friends with my classmates and to get to know my professors on a closer level.

Why Did You Become a Pharmacy Student Ambassador?

I decided to become a student ambassador so that I can use the knowledge I have acquired over the past four years to educate future students on why the Nesbitt School of Pharmacy is the right choice to make.

Lauren Wagner

Current Year: P3

Get to Know Lauren Wagner

Hi! My name is Lauren Wagner and I am a P3 (3rd year) Pharmacy student on the PharmD/MBA track. This is my 3rd year being an ambassador for the Nesbitt School of Pharmacy (NSoP) and I am excited to help serve potential pharmacy students. I am really passionate about the world of pharmacy and especially, Women's Health. I currently work as a pharmacy technician for Geisinger and I am forever grateful for the experience I have gained from that opportunity. I am highly involved on campus and serve on the executive board for a couple of pharmacy clubs. I love to keep myself busy with work, school, and clubs. When I am not doing any of that fun stuff, you can catch me hanging out with my friends or curled up with a good book.

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

I like the Wilkes Nesbitt School of Pharmacy because of the countless opportunities I have experienced since stepping foot on campus. I come from a small town so that was a big deciding factor on why I chose Wilkes. Wilkes is a small, close-knit family that has created an environment where students can grow and foster knowledge. As soon as I stepped on campus, I knew Wilkes would be my home away from home.

Why Did You Become a Pharmacy Student Ambassador?

I personally have chosen to become a student ambassador because I wanted the opportunity to give back to the NSoP. I jumped at the chance to speak with potential pharmacy students because one day they could be my colleague. Pharmacy is such a small world and I want to help grow the next generation of future pharmacists!

Nori Zaccheo

Current Year: P1

Get to Know Nori Zaccheo

Hello! My name is Nori Zaccheo and I鈥檓 a P1 student at Wilkes. I鈥檓 from Scranton PA and a 2017 grad of West Scranton High School. I鈥檓 also a 2020 and 2021 grad of Syracuse University (go orange!). I am involved in a few clubs on campus and I try to immerse myself in the tight knit 鈥減harmily鈥 that is the NSoP. I am interested in pharmacy because I believe it is a career where I can really help people, and my mail goal after graduation is to help make healthcare more accessible. Outside of school I enjoy traveling, making jewelry, spending time with my nieces, and playing with my rescue dog, Theo!

Why Study Pharmacy at Wilkes?

I love how small and tight knit the Wilkes Nesbitt School of Pharmacy is! It really is a family.

Why Did You Become a Pharmacy Student Ambassador?

I decided to become a student ambassador so I can share with others information on the school that I love!